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Upcoming Gatherings

10 am thru lunch on the third Thursday each month 


February 19 & 20, 2025 - Register for MERGE SUMMIT now!​


January 16, Encounter

2214 Monroe Street

February SUMMIT Feb 19 & 20

Maumee Bay State Park Lodge

March 20,  St. Paul's Lutheran

112 east Wayne Street, Maumee

April 17, - OPEN for HOST

May 15, - Ohio Living

5916 Cresthaven Lane, in the Chapel

June 19, - Bella Vita

at Laurie's Place

July 17 - Herzog Home


August 21 - Church of Genoa

address TBA

September 18 - OPEN for HOST

October 16 - OPEN for HOST

November 20 - OPEN for HOST

Host a Meeting

MERGE meets monthly at area locations.   Each month, one of the members of Merge agrees to host the gathering and provides lunch for the group that gathers.  Emails about the monthly meeting go out twice a month.   Subscribe to get added to the email list and plan to join us for prayer, fellowship and worship with the goal to lift each other up, lay our burdens before God, share and learn from each other and weave together a network of prayer for our region that we might bring 500,000 to know Christ.

Call Barb Herzog on the leadership team if you want to HOST a MERGE meeting.



As we pray with anticipation, we are believing for our city’s transformation.

Heaven coming to earth, 
Godly dreams and desires being birthed.

500,000 saved and set free, 
The church walking in her destiny, 

Families fully restored, 
Every home in the city proclaiming you as Lord.

Children prophesying, dreaming, and carrying your glory. 

A church walking in power and in love with your story. 

We thank you Lord for choosing us, for such a time as this,
To bring your Kingdom to our beautiful city.

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